Sales Order Header

Reference Number - The unique value to identify this Sales Order.

Status - The current status of the Sales Order. See the Sales Order Status article for a full description of the statuses.

Estimate Order - The reference number of the Estimate Order from which this Sales Order was created. This is optional as a Sales Order is not required to be generated from an Estimate Order. Clicking on the left carat icon will navigate to that Estimate Order.

Pick - The reference number of the Pick. Clicking on the left carat icon will navigate to that Pick record.

Customer - The customer of this sale.

Customer PO - The customer's purchase order (optional).

Allow Backorder - A toggle to determine if a backorder should be created if this Sales Order cannot be fulfilled. Rules for backorders may depend on the Service Level Agreement (SLA), the availability of the item, and business rules of your company. Contact New Leaf Data, LLC for customization.

If backorders are allowed and there is a stockout, then this will create a backorder value in the item quantity.

Drop Ship - A toggle to determine if this order will be drop shipped. Drop shipped items are delivered directly from your vendor to the customer. If a warehouse was selected, it will appear grey, italic, with a strike through when Drop Ship = "Yes".

Warehouse - The name of the warehouse from which this Sales Order will be fulfilled.

Delivery Address 1, Delivery Address 2, Delivery City, Delivery State, Delivery Zip - The address of delivery.

Expected Date - The date the goods are scheduled to arrive at the delivery address.

Sched to Ship - The date the goods are scheduled to ship in order to arrive at the delivery address by the Expected Date.

Date Shipped - The date the goods were shipped to the delivery address.

Created On - The date the Sales Order was created.

Created By - The team member who created the Sales Order.

Subtotal Items - A total of the Line Total.

Discount - A discount to be applied to the entire order. Note that a line discount can also be applied for a single line item. Discounts can be recorded as a percentage or a monetary value.

Subtotal after Discount - Subtotal Items minus the discount value.

Handling - Handling charge. This is presumed to be taxable. If that is not the case for your location, contact New Leaf Data, LLC for modifications.

Tax - Tax amount, recorded by percentage or monetary value.

Shipping - Cost for shipping the goods to the delivery address. This is presumed to be non-taxable.

Grand Total - Final total of the Sales Order with additional fees (Handling, Shipping, Tax), less any discounts.

Last updated