Putaway Goods

Putaway records are created after a receipt (from a purchase order, transfer order, or return from customer) has been posted. The putaway reference number is stored in the receipt header and you can navigate to the putaway via the left carat icon.

Header data is on the left side of the layout, taking up 1/3 of the layout. It consists of the following fields:

Reference Number - A reference number for the putaway record. This number is automatically created.

Status - A putaway will have one of 4 statuses:

New - Receiving is complete but the process of putting away has not yet begun. In other words, the merchandise is still at the receiving dock.

In Progress - Items are traveling throughout the warehouse to their storage location (picking bin, replenishment area, rack space, designated floor space, etc.).

Completed - The items are now in their designated location.

Canceled - The putaway was canceled.

Created On - Date and time the putaway record was created

Putaway On - Date the putaway began the process. It is possible to create a putaway on one day and commence with the process on another day. This date field provides additional flexibility to handle that scenario. If left blank, the Putaway On field will be populated with the current date upon posting the record.

Created By - User who created the putaway record (i.e. the person who posted the receipt record).

Putaway Lines

The line records (a.k.a. portal records) take 2/3 of the layout and contain the following fields:

Suggested Location - The location for this item. This location is set in the Item layout, under the More button, and Location. This field is not modifiable.

Actual Location - The actual location where the item was putaway. This field can be different then the Suggested Location. To populate the Actual Location with the Suggested Location, click the blue button with a right arrow that is between the two fields.

SKU - The item sku. This field is not modifiable.

Received - The quantity that was received. This field is not modifiable.

Putaway - The quantity that was putaway. User will not be able to putaway a quantity greater than what was received. For example, if the previous field, Received, has a value of 7, users will not be able to enter a number greater than 7. If that happens, they will receive an error message with the option to clear the field or to enter the maximum quantity for that field (in this example, 7).

However, users can enter a value less then the Received field. When that happens, then the presumption is that this item is split between multiple locations. A new putaway line will be created with the balance quantity to be putaway. For example, these two lines are putaway for 7 units of LT-WDGT, 4 in one location and 3 in a different location.

Unit of Measure - Unit of measure for the item. This field is not modifiable.

Receipt reference - The putaway process can contain items from multiple receipts. For this reason, the receipt reference number is stored in the putaway line. A left carat icon navigates the user to that receipt record. This field is not modifiable.

Putaway Process Buttons

There are three process buttons on the lower right of the putaway layout:

Post - Completes the putaway process by creating a transaction record and updating the item's quantity values.

Print Preview - Creates a PDF of the putaway record. Print previews are always available.

Cancel - Cancels the putaway process.

Purchasing Process Completed

Putting away the items completes the purchasing process. At the end of this process, the Transaction records will looking something like this:

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