Transfer Order Header

Reference Number - The reference number of this transfer record.

Status - Status of the transfer record. See the Transfer Status article for a description of the various statuses.

Pick - The pick record from which the items were picked from stock and prepared for transfer.

Source Warehouse - The warehouse from which the inventory items originate. The items are here and you want to move them to the target warehouse.

Target Warehouse - The warehouse where you want the inventory items to end up.

Expected Date - The date that the target warehouse expects to receive the items.

Sched to Ship - The date that the items are scheduled to leave the source warehouse.

Date Shipped - The actual date that the items left the source warehouse. This date can be manually entered or it can be left blank. The date will automatically populate when the order ships from the source warehouse.

Created On - Timestamp of when this order was created.

Created By - Name of user who created this transfer record.

Subtotal Items - A total of the Line Total.

Discount - A discount to be applied to the entire order. Note that a line discount can also be applied for a single line item. Discounts can be recorded as a percentage or a monetary value.

Subtotal after Discount - Subtotal Items minus the discount value.

Handling - Handling charge. This is presumed to be taxable. If that is not the case for your location, contact New Leaf Data, LLC for modifications.

Tax - Tax amount, recorded by percentage or monetary value.

Shipping - Cost for shipping the goods to the delivery address. This is presumed to be non-taxable.

Grand Total - Final total of the Sales Order with additional fees (Handling, Shipping, Tax), less any discounts.

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